>Time for Space
for Space, 2000.
text: João Simões. voice: Lula Pena and João Simões. sound design: Ari
de Carvalho
"The chequered flag", Combustile Edison, 1996.
"I'm such a small thing", Funki Porcini, 1996
"(…) Miguel Soares is a science fiction artist, someone who makes futuristic
works that comment on aspects of contemporary human life.
His Time for Space (2000) is perfect editorial on Portugal's present moment.
Like some futuristic tourism commercial, Soares' frolicking UFOs call
upon us to journey with them to fantastic places where we can finally
gain an all-encompassing sense of belonging.
However, we are never made to feel sure what the purpose of belonging
is. While the upbeat tone of the work indicates positive possibilities,
there is a subtle undercurrent that suggests that we are being invited
to some darker cultish or militaristic venture.
Soares' delicious ambiguity relates back to the reason I felt the title
Situation Zero was such an apropriate description of the state of portuguese
contemporary artmaking: the possibilities of its future are promising
yet unknown."
René de Guzman, in Situation Zero: Recent Art from Portugal. Yerba
Buena Center for the Arts. San Francisco. USA, August 2001
In a society located in a distant future, the promises of happiness are
packed with images and sounds of publicity: images of flying saucers flying
over seas and crossing the universe are underlined by alienating music
and the reading of a text promoting wonderful journeys into unknown worlds.
As one understands at the end of the video, the shift from a feminine
voice to a masculine one signals the shift from an travel agency campaign
into a military enrolment one.
The illusion of adventure and freedom co-exists with the nightmare of
a dictatorial society aimed towards the control of individuals.
Miguel Wandschneider, in SlowMotion - Miguel Soares. exhibition
depliant. ESTGAD+Art Attack. Caldas da Rainha. Portugal.
Time For Space
minute preview
Related works
Sares 2000 solo show |